Diving Deeper Into Genesis Rewards

Word on the streets of Wiami is The Wilder Nation is abuzz with excitement coming off our first announcement covering the early details of our extraordinary Wilder Genesis Rewards Program.
Amid the elation that ensued following the big reveal, our team picked up on a number of FAQs that stood out in conversations with our community.
Today we are going to take you deeper into the program with answers to all your FAQs and also bless Wilders with a taste of fresh new alpha guaranteed to keep the ignited fire within the Nation glowing white hot until our next big announcement.
Let’s begin.
Further Unmasking Trinity

Owning a Trinity will be the key entry point to experience the full spectrum of the Genesis Rewards Program as they are the minimum requirement to gain access to platform rewards.
Platform Rewards
Span across the Wilder ecosystem and are enacted when new industries are launched.
The primary reward in this category will be access to new Genesis collections through claims, airdrops, and mintlists. Platform Rewards will function primarily to reward Wilders for the number of Genesis asset categories held and the length of time held.
Additional benefits include exclusive merch, IRL parties/events, and in-metaverse perks.
For Wilders who want to take their rewards quality to the next level, amassing a Trinity Chain(s) that contains more than 3 Genesis assets is the golden path to pursue.
Once the Moto collection has landed, there will be six total Genesis collections, and therefore three levels above a base Trinity that Wilders can belong to. The levels will progress as follows:
- Trinity
- Level 4 Trinity Chain
- Level 5 Trinity Chain
- Level 6 Trinity Chain
A Wilder with an NFT from each of the six collections chained together (referred to as a "Level 6 Trinity Chain") will be considered to be in a higher tier than a Wilder who only has a Trinity. Each level up the rankings will have a greater degree of benefits like higher priority access to smaller NFT drops.
If, for example, a new industry was launched with a Genesis collection of 99 NFTs, it’s most likely that only holders of five and six unique Genesis assets from different industries will get access to the drop.
If a Genesis collection has more items than there are Trinities in existence, like our highly-anticipated upcoming Wiami land sale, ALL Trinity holders will get access.

All we’ll share for now is that holding a Trinity will reveal multiple paths to becoming a landowner in Wiami, more details on this to come at a later date!
Your FAQs Answered
Wheels and Moto
Will the same number of Moto be released as there are Genesis Wheels?
Yes, there will be the same number of Moto released. Any Moto that remain unminted after the claim period will be transferred to the Moto DAO wallet.
What Qualifies as a Genesis Wheel?
All currently minted Wheels are Genesis Wheels. You can view the full collection here: https://app.wilderworld.com/market/wheels.genesis
How do you get free Genesis Moto for Wheels?
All Genesis Wheels holders will be eligible to claim 1 Moto for each Wheel that they own. Moto will be free to claim and Wheels holders only need to pay for ETH gas fees. If you want to secure more Moto, the best way to do so would be to pick up more Wheels HERE.

Genesis Rewards
What qualifies as a Genesis asset?
Read our first Genesis Rewards Program Zine for these details: https://zine.wilderworld.com/moto-genesis-nft-rewards/
Will time of hold be a retroactive calculation? I’m hoping to transfer assets into cold storage but don’t want to mess up my score.
We are still working out the details here so we can’t guarantee this is how it will work, but yes we will likely consider retroactive holding periods prior to creating a Trinity user interface to select your Trinities.
Will a wallet’s average holding amount over a period of time count? I flip NFTs and have held the same amount of Wheels in my wallet, but have held different Wheels over time.
In a way, yes. Once a Trinity is created in our interface and the clock system begins ticking, Citizens can swap an asset out for another (if it's in the same industry as the asset being removed OR if it's in an industry not currently represented within the Chain) and maintain their time held. You must have an asset on hand to replace the current one in one transaction; removing an asset from a Trinity with plans of adding another NFT at a later time would result in the breakup of the Chain and a clock reset.
As a Genesis holder, how do I get on the Mintlist for these industry and platform rewards?
We are working to implement a system that eliminates the need for mintlists entirely (although special circumstances may dictate a need for us to utilize mintlists in the future). In the future, Wilder NFT holders will simply need to show up at the correct site to mint. This system will be first utilized in the Moto claim.
Wilders only need three Genesis assets to form a Trinity. Will there be added benefits and incentives for people to collect four, five, etc. Genesis assets from different industries?
Yes! There are powerful incentives coming to Wilders with collections that extend beyond the three industry requirement for a Trinity. Trinity is the key to our Rewards Program moving forward, but Wilders who go the extra mile will be blessed even further.
How do Metaphoenix and Cyberheist fit into the Rewards Program?
Metaphoenix and Cyberheist are on a separate contract and are not official Genesis assets of a Wilder industry. As they were the first Wilder NFT drops, their significance is not something we want to downplay. To reward holders, each of these NFTs will be given wildcard power, meaning they can stand in for any missing Genesis asset in a collection. This allows these assets to form Trinities and gives the holder all the Trinity benefits that they would receive if they instead held an additional Genesis NFT from another industry and used it to form a Trinity. Let’s say for example a Wilder owns one Trinity already and has 2/3 NFTs needed for a second set; a Cyberheist NFT would count for that set and enable them to form a second Trinity.
What about Wilder Concept, WOW, and Wilder Guild?
Each of these is a Wilder industry that has already launched but did so with a 1 of 1 NFT instead of a Genesis collection. Owners of the first item minted of each industry will, as with Cyberheist and Metaphoenix, have a wildcard that they can use to form a Trinity. As no bids were accepted for Concept NFTs, this currently only affects the owner of Wild Guidance and WOW - Poster Zero. If industries launch in the future with a 1 of 1 NFT, it will be a wildcard as well.
What are the Limitations of Wildcards?
Wildcards are limited only by the number of Genesis collections available at any given time (after Moto arrives, this number will be 6). Essentially Wilders can not create larger chains than would be possible exclusively using Genesis NFTs.
Example: A Wilder could not add a Wildcard to a Level 6 Trinity Chain and make it a Level 7 Chain before the 7th Genesis collection launches.
From our current perspective, anything else is fair game without limitations. Wilders can create a Trinity with 3 Wildcards, they could add 2 Wildcards to a Level 4 Trinity Chain to make it a Level 6 Trinity Chain, etc. Each Wildcard can be thought of as a unique industry Genesius NFT relative to a holder’s collection of assets.

We’re incredibly excited to continue rolling out more information on our Genesis Rewards Program as the year progresses.
You don’t want to miss out on what’s coming next! Make sure to stack up Trinities to ensure your access to becoming one of the very first Wiami land owners in metaverse history.
The Wilders Salute You.