Introducing the versatility of AIR WILD Metaverse Kicks in-game utility

Unlocking NFT utility in the Metaverse is critical for the continued success and mass adoption of NFTs across all web3 platforms and broader ecosystem.
Full utility of NFTs in our Metaverse has always been at the core of everything we have built in the Wilder Nation. It’s a vision of a world where Wilders can roam freely and express themselves through unique and decorative digital assets and fashionable accessories that have super-like powers.
In a photorealistic Metaverse such as Wilder World, where every living and nonliving object that exists in-game is itself an NFT, it’s even more important that we get the utility of these in-game ready assets right and then allow our imaginations to expand the scope of what’s possible for future drops.
Given we are currently deep in AIR WILD Season One mode, we wanted to give the community an update on what you are going to be able to do with these artistic masterpieces when you are able to slip them on and wander around Wilder World creating all the magic.
Specific utilities for AIR WILD S0 & S1:
Sprint Speed: Scale 1-3
1: Increased Speed
2: Fast
3 : Hyperspeed
Hops: Scale 1-3
1: Increased Jump
2: High Jump
3: Mega Hops
Swim Speed: Scale 1-3
1: Slow Waddle
2: Normal Swim
3: Michael Phelps Level
Climb Ability: Scale 1-3
1: Increased Climb Ability
2: Steep Climb Ability
3: Climb any mountain in Wiami
ZERO Gravity: Y/N
Yes: Activate the ability to walk like you're on the moon in Wiami.
No: Walk like a normal human.
Walk on Water: Y/N
Yes: Activate the ability to walk on Water.
No: You will not be able to walk on Water.
Have a look at how the allocation for each Season stacks up below:

Some abilities for kicks may be disabled when entering a specific micro game.
It's important to note that in true Wilder spirit we always like to start with the fundamentals. The above utilities mentioned will be the first building blocks for versatility in the kicks industry. We will continue to add fun abilities as the industry progresses.
Now that you have the download on AIR WILD utility, we will follow it up with a more comprehensive update on the utility and capabilities of additional WWMM drops.
The Wilders salute you, meow and forever.