Wilder Moto: Reveal Period Details

Congratulations to all Wheels holders who minted and took their Wiami garage to the next level by minting their Moto!

With the Claim Period all wrapped up, it’s time to move into the final stage of the Moto launch with our Reveal Period.

Gather around as we dive into all the details our inaugural Moto holders need to know!

Moto will reveal by model rarity in sequential order over the course of ten days from July 25th to August 3rd, with special silver, gold, rose gold, and trailer Motos being revealed alongside the Hover model on August 3rd.

Originally our reveal dates were July 25th, July 27th, July 29th, and July 31st but with reveals occurring over the weekend in that schedule, we decided it would be in the best interest of the community and team to adjust the dates so everyone can maintain their flow as we journey closer to Wiami.

Balance and family are life essentials especially when handling the tremendous demands of building the metaverse, and we want to prioritize giving the team their weekends and well-deserved rest whenever possible.

With that being said, our Reveal Period will now occur on July 25th, July 27th, August 1st, and August 3rd. Each reveal date will feature reveal party hangout Twitter Spaces at 11:00am PDT! Be sure to jump in and get active with your fellow Wilders as we celebrate this new NFT industry.

As the reveal period progresses, unrevealed Moto will be rarer models and we hope to avoid situations where Wilders purchase an unrevealed Moto under the impression that it’s a rarer model than it actually is. For example, once the Cruiser model is revealed on July 25th, there may be some Cruisers lingering as unrevealed while OpenSea refreshes.

At each stage of the reveal period, it is very important that Wilders head into OpenSea to refresh the Metadata of their assets to avoid situations like the one described above. Oftentimes this is a process that takes time and requires patience from holders.

To keep Wilders aligned with what NFTs have revealed at each stage, we’ll be posting a spreadsheet to Twitter and Discord detailing each token ID that has been revealed.

These sheets will act as the pure sources of truth to guide you safely through the reveal stages. The WWMM is also a great resource to utilize during this period as assets will refresh quicker than on OpenSea. Happy trading!

We’re incredibly grateful to all Wilders who claimed their Moto as participants of the very first implementation of our Genesis Rewards Program and the birth of an epic new Wilder NFT Industry!

Our plans for rewarding Genesis holders are just getting started. Be sure to head over to WWMM, OpenSea, and LooksRare to secure a Moto if you haven't already and stay tuned for our next big announcement Wilders!

[Hint: It’s coming soon]

The Wilders Salute You.


[Updated: 07/21/22]