Wilder Wheels Genesis: Final Metadata Fixes and DAO Mint

Kick your engines into high-gear Wilders!
We are excited to tie up project loose ends across the board, beginning with the genesis Wilder Wheels collection. New fixes are launching over the next few weeks to address our previous update on the collection.
Let’s dive in, here’s what Wheels holders need to know -
Completed Fixes
To date, our team has already executed a number of Wheels updates that fixed some lingering issues with the collection. We have completed the following fixes:
- 330 Wheels without videos on OpenSea
- 184 Wheels with the “Wilder Hideout Blue Studio” environment glitch
- 2 Wheels without images on OpenSea
- 1 Wheel with the environment in the video flashing in the first frame
Wheels Tier C
In line with the community vote we held in January, this week the remaining unsold Wheels from Tier C will be contributed to the community-owned Wilder Nation DAO (0xEe7Ad892Fdf8d95223d7E94E4fF42E9d0cfeCAFA).
547 Wheels will be minted to the DAO, enabling us to finalize the circulating supply of Wheels to 6,396.
Wheels Tiers D & E
Tiers D & E of the Wheels collection have not yet been minted and do not exist on the blockchain.
These tiers will never be minted.
By reducing the total quantity of genesis Wheels, each NFT in the collection will increase in rarity and reinforce the value of Wheels in circulation.
This initiative will benefit our OG Wilders who have been strong supporters of our project and held their Wheels up to this point.
Final Clean-up
Looking forward, the remaining unresolved items on the Wheels to-do list will also be tackled in the coming weeks. These resolutions include:
- Color naming issues on OpenSea
- 89 Wheels with duplicate license plates
Once the outlined fixes are complete, we will be able to publish the final rarity numbers for the genesis Wheels collection!
Thank you for your continued support and patience as we continue to elevate Wheels to new heights.
Fixing these issues properly has taken many months of engineering work due to Wilder World NFTs being built on top of zNS (The Zero Name Service).
Several structural changes to our protocols and metadata issues have been developed to prevent these issues from occurring in the future.
We have made substantial progress developing our Wheels P2E game leading up to the launch of a new full-scale roadmap for the Wheels collection.
Be on the lookout for that exciting announcement in the coming weeks!
The Wilders Salute You.